DWI Lawyer Rochester NY: Wisner & Wisner, LLP

Felony DWI Penalties in New York

Felony DWI Penalties in New York

Our firm is often asked is a DWI a felony or misdemeanor charge. While any DWI charge is a serious matter, for first time offenders a DWI charge is usually considered a misdemeanor DWI. For repeat offenders there are much more serious consequences. If you have already been convicted of any DWI, DWAI-Drugs, DWAI-Combination, or aggravated DWI and your second charge is within within 10 years, it is considered a felony charge. The second charge is punishable by up to four years in prison while a third charge carries a steeper punishment of up to seven years in prosion.

Additionally, a felony drunk driving charge carries a fine of at least $1,000 along with a license suspension lasting between one year and 18 months.

If you have already made one mistake don’t make another – hire an experienced DWI Vehicular Manslaughter Defense legal team. Our top team of DWI Defense lawyers is one of the most experienced DWI defense teams in Rochester, NY.